Friday, December 14, 2007

im so dying
i reached office abt 35 mins earlier. i lunched in. i ot. yet.. still have stuff unsettled. tmr's the last day for me to clear. im not gonna be concern with the productivity tmr. determine to clear all the shit so i can leave with a peaceful mind and enjoy myself fully.
colleagues r telling me to juz forget it. to juz leave everything and leave and have fun. many told me to forget abt work once i stepped out of office. but i cant. maybe im juz a born worrier. always thinking too much.. always worrying too much... always being concerned with too many things.. but then, on the good note, im just being v reponsible, arent i?
a colleague told me tt im doing too many things on my own. as in, many things can don do, but i choose to do. wad's the meaning of tt? maybe it's time to learn how to relac and play "taiji". time to learn how not to take everything onto my own hands. time to learn how to push the responsibility to other pple. time to learn how to play smart and act blur and stop faking garang.
when i come back frm my trip, i shall learn.
for now, pls pray hard i can clear all the shit by 6.30pm tmr.
im juz so glad it's not an early flight on sat. still have some time on sat to do the packing and stuff... everything is so unsettled... but time is juz mercilessly moving on, not waiting for me to complete wad i wanna complete.......

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