Wednesday, December 5, 2007


been v busy lately. many events coming up. events? haha... im juz trying to make my life sounds more happening. diao~
life at work's getting tougher. i can only say, things r more than meet the eyes. some changes going on.. cant comment if it's for better or for worse. can only say, it's time to work harder and work tougher. busy busy busy.. i juz hope my backlog will not continue to roll. many eyes r watching, and some eyes r juz not as obvious as other eyes.. haha.. v chim ba? and of cuz.. many expectations frm the higher level... but.. shall not stress myself too much. soo far soo gd. will juz see how it goes.
ytd juz celebrated the fat boy's bday. he's 23 yrs old!! wahhaha..old liao old liao ~

~my fatty bom bom and his secret present~

this fri will be meeting my ntu mates.then this sat will be celebrating me and my fat boy's 4th anni! yea.. it's the 4th yr. hopefully there'll be many more yrs to go. heh.. then sat will be going to bro's co's DnD as well. free food free food!! juz nice for us to celebrate the 4th yr. can save on the meal ~ lol..
then next wk's mama bday.. expecting family dinner.. yeah! then next sat... i'll be flying off to Bangkok le! yeah! will be away from 15 - 21st Dec. great! will be going with the fat boy. heard things in BK is v cheap... hope can get gd deals. 1st time there.. not sure if ok or not.. but highly recommended by bro. he even said in some ways, BK is even more fun than Japan. don know real or not. but ah yan also mentioned she prefers BK than Taipei. shall go experience it myself. must go for the Thai massage. time to ReeeeeLaxxxxx !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
when i come back, it'll be time for xmas. then new year. then jan there'll be a colleague's wedding, then co's DnD at shangri-la.. after tt can look forward to CNY le. hhaha.. i already looked thru the calender for next yr le. cant rem wad's there in march.. but frm now till feb.. at least there r things to look forward to. JIAYOU!


Ps: today's supposed to meet up with my crescent frenz. but.. don know if it's becuz of me, the meeting was cancelled in the end. if it's really becuz of me, then im sorry frenz. promise to organise another outing. so sorry for the trouble. don be angry with me horr.. i know im a trouble-maker.. ~

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