Saturday, December 15, 2007

im so damn loaded. i have $10k with me right now. hahahhaha.. im rich!!!!
yeah. real hard cash of $10k...... thai bhat
again, im juz sooo thankful it's not an early flight tmr. i havent even pack my stuff! not even one outfit has been put into the luggage. man.. i juz hope i wont missed out anything with the last min packing. i hate doing things last min... cuz when im rushing for time, i tend to make mistakes. i guess, i juz cannot work under pressure and tight timing. i must ensure everything is ok b4 i can rest my mind. and if time is tight and i cannot have the luxury of making sure everything is ok, i will start to worry. tt is really a big problem..
i don like myself to be like tt. i wish i can be more heck care abt things. but i cant. maybe tt's the characteristic of a virgo.. a damn perfectionist. when i cannot cfm tt everything is ok, i will start to worry. and most of the times, i worry for nothing. dammit. can anyone tell me how not to be so persistent? how to juz relac and not think too much and consider too much and get too concerned with everything?! i really don like to bother myself with so many things, yet... i cant stop and i allow myself to be bothered. wad the.......................
tdy i managed to complete most of the work. but somehow, there r things which i feel is not properly done and will have repercussions. see? isnt tt plain worrying too much? y cant i juz forget them and only face them when the so-called "repercussions" take place? if they never take place, then i will have been worried for nothing, ya?!!
argh.. im juz a weird ass. i know exactly wad is wrong, yet i cannot control myself to think in the right way. wad lack of self-control huh?
and today.. i was happily talking on the phone when suddenly i see blood dripping. i did not even know where the blood came frm. my both hands were blood stains and some dripped on the table and a drop landed on my jeans. my colleague was telling me it must be my hands since he does not see my face or nose bleeding. and finally, after wiping the blood away, i realised it was a cut on my finger.
how amazing rite?
i dont even know when i got hurt, how i got hurt, and wad got me hurt.... worse still... i did not even know tt i was hurt... tian ahh.... am i suffering frm some hidden illness? how come i dont seem to feel painful? bleeding already also cannot feel. haii...
i must be too stress with work.
yes. it's time for a gd break.
o yes. and tdy.. my head came to me.. telling me tt there was a customer who complaint abt me via email. diao.. bascially i say the same thing to eveybody with the same attitude. i have looked thru the memo and there was nothing special. i really do not recall being nasty or rude to her. so y she complain me huh?? this goes to show tt, diff pple have diff interpretations to stuff. i say the same thing to everyone, how come others can take it, yet she feels so offended ne? weird.. weird.... juz plain weird.. and it also shows wad is meant by "说者无心,听者有意"... guess i should watch and be more careful of wad i say in future. some pple are juz too sensitive and fragile... haii
ok... enuff of all these worryings. im going off to a (hopefully) good break. i don care and im not going to care anymore! time to relax, relax and juz plain RELAX !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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