Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy NeW YeAr !!!

HAPPY NEW YEAR~!!! May 2008 be a great year for all of us!!
watched "I Am Legend" on eve. the show ended at abt 11pm and we went home after tt. too many "ah nei" in orchard.. and we decided it's not a gd place to stay and count down. but then, lucky tt we went home.. cuz there was countdown party at mount faber and since it's so near my house, we managed to watch the fireworks so closely. so near and clear. don even to have to sqz with pple. haha.. smart move to go home and watch fireworks.
took today to take a gd rest. wanted to tidy up the room, but as usual, did not in the end.
watched tv and took a nap. time to re-charge myself. gotta go back to work and the next hols will only be in feb liao. scary.. cny's juz a mth away... need to get new yr clothings again. gotta sqz with everyone again. hmm.. but after cny, then it really will be v sian liao.. cuz apparently nothing much to look forward liao. boohoo~
tot the BK trip will give me a gd break.. but apparently, im still v tired lei. all i wanna go is to slack and slp at home. hmm.. is this wad working life is all abt?
had dinner with family tdy. sis treated. yum~ welcome 2008. all the best!

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