Thursday, November 1, 2007


im so darn freaking guilty. juz ate long john for dinner. man.. and im starting to snack during work. recently i tend to tabao some food back to office after lunch. this is definitely not a gd habit... so y am i starting it? so ironic lei.. i mean... if lunch eat a v full one, can guarantee last till dinnertime... but then, one shot eat soo much, will gain weight rite? then if eat a moderate lunch, b4 dinnertime will be hungry le, then take snack also will gain weight rite? and wad abt OT? OT till 8pm... 8pm eat dinner is like so late lar... but in between, we cannot go out to eat a proper meal.. so it's like v awkard lor. too hungry to wait till 8 pm, so snack. but snack is not enuff to last the nite, so in the end, after work will still go and eat.. aiyoh.. it's like... everything is so off-timing la! of cuz.. can snack on a fruit... but wad satisfaction is there to snack on a fruit? mite as well don snack rite?
juz like tdy.. ate 2 slices of bread for breakfast. then lunchtime ate guotian mince meat noodle... then tabao 2 choco doughnuts back for dinner cuz doing ot. at 4 plus i ate one of the doughnuts. after work at 8pm, i decided i do not want to eat the other doughnut and i left it in the office. but i was hungry lor.. and tt was how i ended up at long john. can anyone see wad i mean? 2 doughnuts meant for dinner, but in the end, i was too hungry and ate something else. this is really wasting my money and spoiling my eating habits. arrhh.. time to do something abt it. i can juz feel myself growing fatter and fatter and fatter... omg...................................... i juz knew i cannot lead a too regular life. when things are regular, it becomes a habit. eventually there will come a day, whereby im not hungry, but when the timing is reached, i must eat. diao.. this is BAD! i must change!!

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