Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Food Vs MonEy

alrite.. it's the last day of the month. next wk there's a public holiday. yeah! v happy :) and looking forward to payday. hehe..
ok.. tt time i mentioned abt me spending too much on food. let me recall wad were the food i ate.. guilty. last last fri met up cousin mich and had pepper lunch and xingwang for dinner. then the next day on sat, i went eat pepper lunch again with hubb. and ... we were ushered to a 2-person table after we ordered our food. i was aiming at a bigger table when the manager pointed to the 2-seater table. fine...then the food came, and knw wad? the table was not enuff to put the food cuz we actually ordered 3 sets! the manager tot we only 2 person, but he did not knw tt we ordered 3 sets. in the end also had to change to a bigger table, rite? how duh.. and... it was quite weird lorr.. cuz the hotplate was like so darn big.. one in front of me, and the other in front of hubb. then the 3rd one, we placed it beside us as if someone was sitting there. diao.... and.. it was my idea to get an extra set. and in fact, i was the one who ate most out of the 3rd set. i don knw y lorr.. but im so dead addicted to pepper lunch. o man.. im becoming a glutton myself! when did my appetite become so BIG??!!! me myself also feel paisay when there was one hotplate in front of me and another one beside me and i was eating frm the 2 hotplates at the same time. felt like some big fat greedy ass. i bet the pple ard me must be thinking im such a big-eater. diaoo..
then on monday, hubb came met me after work. went to xingwang to eat the french toast and after tt went to this thai food restaurant at far east to eat. it was like 8 plus going to 9pm le lor.. and we were happily munching on cereal prawns, chicken, claypot taufu and wad's not.wah kaoo.. im so amazing rite?!
then thurs met up with ah yan and glo and went to this pasta restuarant @ shaw tower. creation's the name of the restaurant. actually quite worth it. $15+ for a soup, drink, pasta and dessert. and the pasta's yummy too. hehe.. but at shaw tower, the one at bugis.. abit the ulu lorr..
and then last sat, went tried out manhattan @ plaza sing with hubb. not too bad the food. the platter for 2 was like soo darn big lorr.. both of us cannot finish. and the garlic rice... omg.. simply yummy! think tt's gonna be my next craze? hahaha..
and abt 2 wks ago, we went to this new hk cafe at jiao cafe or something. newly opened de... but.. i wont recommend the food lor...
yes.. look at the food i ate... and the money i spent on food.. one meal on the average abt $25 ba. not alot... but still.. if $2.50 can make my stomach full, y should i go for $25? but then again.. i've been working hard, wad's with ot, tuition and part-time. so.... not too much to spend a little more on food rite? haii.. don knw y.. i think im getting more and more of a miser. spend little bit also feel the pinch. diaoo..
but i really should cut down on food le la. maybe once a wk once to "more-ex-food"? haha.. don care la.. don think too much.. as long as i feel like eating, i'll eat. else it's really miserable if after working soo hard, i still cannot get something tt i want.
and tdy.. i had kfc for lunch. budget for food everyday is $5. totally over budget tdy. boo~ i shall save during the wkdays, and spend during the wkend. yes, tt's the way! mon-fri, eat hawker and foodcourt etc. but sat, ok to eat something more ex. ok, tt shall be the way!

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