Sunday, November 11, 2007


it's a relaxing, slow sunday at home. warm, sunny day outside. if not for the wedding dinner later, i'll be able to totally, happily slack my day away. it's good to have a break frm the busy working juz so thankful tt there was deepavali, no tuitions on sat, and no work on sunday. so totally free.
actually, it's all up to me. no one forces me to work extra. no one said i must work extra. i can juz forget abt the tuitions, forget abt the part-time and forget abt the OT. juz monday to fri, nine to six-thirty. on wkends i can juz simply nua at home, just rest and relax. but... im not sure if im ready to forgo the extra income. not alot, but it does help to pay off for the bils, bus fares and the you-de-mei-you-de.. mmmm.....
i think im becoming more and more of a hermit. instead of wanting to go out for a walk, i'd rather stay at home rest. ytd went out with hubb.... but there was really nothing to do. nothing in particular i wanna buy or he wanna buy. no good movies. ktv was ex since it was in the evening when we went out. juz so boring. i will rather stay at home slp or watch tv or juz lie in bed nua, and wait for time to pass.
o man.. wad is happening? im always tired and i don wanna go out. go out = no place to go = nothing to do = spending on ex food = boliao = waste of time. am i suffering frm some kind of depression? y do i detest going out now. hmmm ...
for the past wk , the only interesting thing tt we did was eating at the roti prata shop near my house and playing bowling at safra. i realised i do have a flair in bowling. wahahah.. and the murtabak tt we ate, yum yum. maybe it's more fun staying around my neighbourhood than going out to town.

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