Wednesday, November 14, 2007

BeaTinG Ard ThE BuSh

tdy went work couldnt logged into the system. later head announced tt system's down. woohoo! practically slack the morning away! shiok! then we were asked to go for early lunch. went lunch at 1130am.. tt's early ya... too bad when we came back frm lunch, the system's ok le. gotta start work all over again. but not too bad le la.. a bonus alr... 2 hrs plus got nothing to do.. lol
after work was walking towards the mrt when kenna stopped by this prudential guy. asked if can help him in a survey. i tot juz a survey wont take too long, so juz stopped and helped. then he started talking abt soo many darn things. started off with the changes in the cpf.. then how much i much interest i earned by putting my money in the banks... whether it's worth it or not...if i have alr used my cpf for investments.... blah blah blah.. sometimes i juz don understand y these pple simply cannot come st to the pt. y dont they juz tell me wad they can offer me? all they wanna tell me is tt banks cannot offer wad they can offer me, rite? so juz tell me la. so many pple walking ard us and we r standing in the middle of nowhere so wad's the pt of telling me soo many nonsense? i mean.. it juz doesnt make sense lor.
same goes for those pple at supermarkets... u know..u r looking at some pdt, say for example shampoo. let say u r looking at brand A shampoo. then some other brand promoter will come over and start making comments like "i see that u have oily hair.. this one is too oily for contains blah blah blah...." actually, wad for tell me so many rubbish? all u want to tell me is tt the pdt tt u r promoting is better than the 1 tt im looking at and u juz want me to buy ur pdt rite? so duh rite? not the 1st time already. im looking at something then some other brand promoter wil juz come over and "snatch business". it's juz... hard sell lor.
back to the prudential guy. after beating ard the bush for so long till i cannot take it and tell him tt i gotta go off alr, he gave me his name card. on the bottom was printed 'B Eng (Civil) (Hons)' ... kaoz.. he has a degree in civil engineering, somemore got honours lor. wad the hell is he doing standing on the street, trying to stop tom dick or harry like me to listen to him??
i know it's good money if there's enuff biz.. but... standing on the street trying to get pple to respond is juz toooo tough. out of 10 pple, 2 already have some plans on hand, 2 will rather buy frm someone they knw, 2 is not financially stable enuff (like me!) and 2 is simply not interested. in the end maybe got 2 potential. and gotta spend don know how much time to convince the 2. it's juz tough!
salute to all financial planners and advisers out there! in fact, salute to all those whose income depends on their sales figure. really really xing ku le.

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