Tuesday, November 27, 2007

My IdoL

saw this report on andy lau jumping down the stage to "rescue" his fan. being a almost 10-yrs fan of andy and out of curiousity, i went to the website and took a look. (click on link below to view if u want)
hmmmmmm.... i must say he's really v shuai... but then... i cant help but feel tt the whole thing's a hoax. everything's like being planned b4 hand and he shuai till too fake already la. i strongly believe tt the whole thing is 自编..自导..自演......
the 疑点s are as follow:
1) there were soo soo many guards and barriers, how the hell did the guy managed to go right in front of the stage? it's really highly improbable lor. for a function like this, there must be many "gate-keepers". he cant possibly get to the front of the stage and present flowers de lor.... unless of cuz.... way b4 hand, he already had the permission to enter...
2) how come sooo qiao there's someone who had the camera set properly to shoot the whole incident down? if u look properly, the "camera man" 1st shoot the fan presenting flowers..then the fan being dragged away by the guards, then, as if he/she knows andy's reactions, readily went on to shoot andy lau jumping off the stage and the following fight. it's like wahh.. so 准.. managed to shoot down the whole process and i literally mean whole process.
3) and andy is really v shuai. his acts r too shuai to be normal reactions. it's like he's putting on an act lor..
yepp.. that's y i feel, the whole thing mite juz be a hoax to create hoo-haa and of cuz, to boost his image as a "hero".
but then again, it mite all be true. but even if it's true, i think he shouldnt have jumped off the stage and struggled with the guards. true tt the guards should not be too violent with the fan, but all in all, the fan was at fault. and the guards were only carrying out their duty to protect someone whom they r paid to protect. if anything were to happen to andy lau, they'll be in deep shit. so.. besides being a little too violent, i seriously think there's nothing wrong with the guards lor. and who knows? maybe being violent is necessary. i think andy's act is encouraging his fans to go against the rule..but saw frm some reports tt he did "reprimand" the fan .. so maybe not tt bad..
but if i were one of the guards, i think i will be super pissed with him lor. he took all the glory, yet i was condemned. im juz doing my job to protect him, yet in the end, i was assaulted by him and scolded by him. but then if anything were to happen to him, all the blame will be put on me and i will die terribly. hmm... life being a guard is not easy too huh...

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