Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Bo Lui aKa No MonEy

received an email tdy... sd my OT pay for Oct will only be credited to me in Dec and not in Nov, reason being that the approver was away, hence the payout's not in time for Nov's payroll. haii.. juz when there r so many expenses.. juz when im so broke... juz where there r 2 wedding banquets this mth... juz when i can only part-time for 2 sundays this mth... juz when i feel so sian abt private tuitions tt im so reluctant to fix the next tuition date with the student.. haii..
this sunday, a colleague's holding wedding banquet. hence cannot work at JUST..... and gotta pay angbow. ahhh... then next sun's another colleague's wedding, so also cannot work at JUST. but lucky the 2nd colleague's a malay.. angbow money not as much. hee.. real broke liao..
but it's a gd thing no need to work at JUST la. v tired. and somemore, it's a load of mess at JUST recently. cuz there r many transitions going on... price increase... starting of next yr's work etc etc etc blah blah... i feel im 越帮越忙 lor. cuz there r many changes and im not familiar.. then most of the time also need to seek help... think im not there, they r better off. haha.. wait till the transitions period's over, when everything stablises and things become v st. forward and simple, then i go back ba. hahaa.. v loser hor?
yepp.. been v tired these days. think v soon, i'll lose the energy to continue my "OT-2-Times-Per-Wk" plan.
tt "car-touching" competition. hmm.. i tot all the while only one winner? how come this yr they categorized b/w males and females and there r one winner frm each grp? anw, the female winner won the male winner. woah. li hai.. think the competition lasted for 77hr plus. tt's like 3 days plus? mad..really mad.. i don knw how they did it. 3 days standing outdoor, regardless of the weather conditions, somemore cannot slp. i think i will juz die down there. but then again... the car's worth $50k+. which means tt in 3 days, they earned $50k. hmmmm.... maybe it's worth it afterall.. lol ~

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