Monday, November 26, 2007

ahh.. i havent been blogging actively!!! actually a number of things tt i wanna blog on, but there's no time for them. and now.. it's actually time to slp, but tot i'l juz come in and write something. lol ~
nothing v happening recently. last sat went out with mama to tiong bahru and pa joined us later. treated them to beppu menkan. though im really broke, but it still feels gd to give treats to pple u love. :) then on sunday went back to JUST to work. woohoo~ smooth as a breeze... much much better than the prev time i went. everything is so simple and st. forward now. hehe.. then after work went met hubb and his family for dinner cuz his mama's bday. yepp..
o, and tt sunday at JUST.. ah min was there too. hehehehe.. the 1st time we worked together after like almost 10yrs? lol~ i mean literally work together.. earn money together la. she started work at JUST for quite a while le, but they never schedule us to be at the same branch until last sunday. i guess they r worried tt we mite talk more than we work. but we also v zi dong la. did not blantantly chat la...hehe.. hopefully next wk she'll be at the same branch as me again :) and... i was reminded of the time when we went interview together many many yrs ago. that was don-know-how-many-years ago liao. the 2 of us went to this cafe for interview, thinking how fun it'll be to work together and make coffee.. but in the end, both of us werent selected. wad great loss for tt employer huh~
hmm.. have 2 DnDs coming up. one is for bro's co, and the other is my own co. bro has got extra invitations for 2, so can bring me and hubb along. got free food... hiak hiak hiak.. too good to be missed! then for uob's DnD, it'll be at shangri-la.... v posh horr? cannot wear too "lock" horr? but then it's a friday after work leii.. i juz feel funny lorr.. bring clothes there to change meh? then after work then put on full make up meh? hair do lei? feels so weird. or maybe can juz wear office wear to go? ...afterall only go there for the food and lucky draw only rite? loL~ but still.. costume is a headache.. should i invest in a new one? but given my v cheapo attitude, most prob i'll juz grab something frm sis, juz like wad i did for sec and jc prom. lol~ hopefully ah ji has something gd in stall for me!!

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