Monday, October 1, 2007

LaSt QuaTeR

it's october! woo.. entering the last quarter of the yr le. it's daaaaarrrrnnnnnn FAST!!!!
tmr a new colleague will be coming. heard juz graduated frm poly de. haii.. juz grad frm poly.. so should be ard 19 or 20 yrs old? kao... so fast and i lose my "youngest-in-the-dept" status. arggh!
last time, im always the youngest and the "xiao-mei-mei"... nw...somehow, there will always be someone younger. juz like at JUST .. so many temp staff who r younger than me. my turn to call pple "xiao-mei".... boohoo~ not fun !! I DON LIKE THAT!
2 more wks to sammi cheng's concert. hehe.. great anticipation!

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