Wednesday, October 17, 2007


bumped into a fren some days ago. some long-ago fren whom i do not really consider we r keeping contact. she clm she lost her phone and hence lost my contact, and so on tt day, i gave her my contact number again. hmm.. tdy i received her call. she said she realised im not in her friendster... then she asked me how's my work, how's everything going on.. then she asked if my bday's coming.. and i told it's actually over. and then she wished me happy belated bday blah blah blah.. and finally, she asked me out. mmmmmm....
for a fren who never gave me a call to chat before .. for a fren whom during her bday, i sms to wish her happy bday but no one ever reply... for a fren who doesnt keep my hp number for wadever reasons.. for a fren whom i do not and she does not have me in msn... for a fren who doesnt even rem my bday.... i will be ultra surprise if i received her call out of the blue.
tt is provided if i do not know wad she's doing now on tt day we bumped.
like all other financial planners, she sd they r different frm insurance agents and she wants to meet up to lemme knw more abt their job scopes.
mmm.. prev i was offered such job openings as well. and i told myself tt if i ever take up such a job, i will never look for pple whom i never bother to look for b4. i mean.. i will really really feel v paisay if i never bother to contact pple, but when i need their help, i contact them. hmm..
and it doesnt really feel gd to knw tt pple only remembers u when they want to get something out of u.
but i guess.. the stress and demand frm the job will fight all the "paisay-ness". i do understand la.. it's ultra impt for them to meet targets and stuff. no deals = no income.. maybe she went through alot of mental struggle and took alot of courage to give me tt call.
but.. i still cannot deny tt i do feel a little disappointed to knw tt im only remembered when im of usefulness.

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