Monday, October 8, 2007

ProDucTiViTy RePorT

sian, the productivity report for sep came out alr. and... i did not perform as gd as i tot. and among the 3 of us, i was the last. wad the... i sincerely tot my results will be quite gd de... in the end.. haii.. rather disappointed.
or rather.. im bu fu qi. frm the report, i think my performance is better than them lorr.. but how come.. the overall, final percentage, im lower lei? time to analyse how they arrived at the final score and what are the impt factors. must improve on those factors tt carry heavy weightages and which are within my control. i must jiayou jiayou jiayou!
and... i suspect they played punk lorr.. as in.. did something to enhance their productivity. but im not v sure. but if they really did.. then i think it's super unfair lor. i work hard, did ot, yet did not perform as well as them cuz i law-by-law never play punk. wad the... but then again, 公道自在人心... if they really played punk, sure someone will discover and expose them ya?? and somehow, the results will show tt they played punk and did not follow the procedures, rite? tt's wad i always believe.. but then.. if tt is really the case, then how come their performace still better than me ne? it's an undeniable fact. they really did better than me. y lei?
so.. maybe i should juz stop being 循规蹈矩.maybe i should juz follow wad they do. do it the smart way, rite? if u cant beat them, join them! ya.. tt's the way.

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