Sunday, October 28, 2007


was watching this cancer charity show juz now. i think im juz weak. i'll cry whenever the patients came onto screen and narrate their encounters. there was this malay guy whose dad's a cancer patient and he himself has spine prob. then he was saying after deducting the medical fees, all that he has left is $159. well.. i don know if tt's true or juz exaggeration for media effects but then.. i started to feel guilty. he mite not be a true case, but i do believe tt there are many pple out there who are living on v little money everyday.
there are these pple, who r trying soo hard to make ends meet, who are living on sooo little money everyday. and here i am, spending money like nobody business. pple living on $159, yet i could spend $159 on a meal. suddenly i feel soo guilty. recently, one meal easily cost me $20++... yet pple can survive 10 days on tt $20++. it's like... something meant so little to me, yet to others it meant soo much, soo much. it's time to do some self-reflection. been spending too much on food already. this should not be the way. thou i believe in working hard and doting myself.. but my recent spending on food is juz too much.. cant always be doting myself de rite? haii..
and i cant help but wonder why is heaven so unfair... working in the bank, i see pple using their credit cards to transact >$10,000. in juz one month, they can spend >$10,000 away. how long will it take a common tom dick or harry to save $10k? yet in juz 30days, they spent it away. it's like... why liddat lar?
so... wad is life all abt? all are human kinds.. so y the discrepancies? can anyone enlighten me?

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