Monday, October 15, 2007


im soo sorry pple.. for making your eyes suffer for the past few days... was going thru and trying all the backgrd.. but none seemed to be gd. i did not really settle for tt backgrd, but somehow, the com became v slow and i was too tired to continue, so i juz shut off, leaving the backgrd like tt. heheh.. now much better le ba? hehe..
ok.. these few days.. been giving treats... treated ma and pa 2x (cost me over $200!). then treated soh soh. then ian chow, my ex-boss. and uncle lek, the colleague who gave me a top for my bday. all the "ren-qing" debt more or less settled le ba? hasnt got a chance to treat sis, bro-in-law, and bro though. time to organise a family dinner. been quite a long time since we had one outside. but then, maybe next mth ba.. cuz this mth's budget almost hit liao. hahahha... sad, isnt it? but then it's a relief to knw tt pple whom i owe treats r being attended to and tt all the major expenses like monthly household contributions and hp bills alr settled. phew! load off my mind.
on sat went to sammi cheng's concert. will blog abt tt later. now tired liao lol~

o.. and im so dead worried nw. cuz tt day.. i was curious on surfing the net using my phone and so, i actually tried going to the net using the hp. gosh... i wonder how much tt will cost me. i sincerely do not know tt it's gonna be ex. i remembered i couldnt really reach the webpage. but the searching took a long time. will they charge me? o man... last mth's hp bill alr exceeded my "expected amt to pay for hp bill". don tell me this mth also the same?! ahhhhhhhhhhh... maybe i should juz go back to my good old "totally-no-special-functions" nokia phone. im soo dead meat. i remembered reading on the papers tt one guy got charged for over thousands or hundreds of dollars cuz he surfed something tt is 1GB. shit.. i hope i will not faint upon seeing the bill. shit! shit! shit!

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