Thursday, October 1, 2020



woohoo! so besides our 1st box of mooncake that we bought during our staycay at Marriott Tangs, we also bought a 2nd box while buying for mum and MIL. shun bian buy for our own consumption.


look at how much this boy enjoys his mooncake. hahahaha.

moon-cake tasting is a thing for hubb and me almost every yr. ya, we will go to those fairs and test-taste the mooncakes b4 we decide which is the best to buy. 

this yr, we went to taka. but alas, the fair is no longer the same old fair that they used to hold. last time is one big fair at the event area right. but this year, the event area is empty. instead, the participating brands are segregated mainly into 3 areas, some at ground floor, some inside the taka shopping mall, some at level 2. 

and, no more tasting ok! 

so with no tasting, we just settled for the one that has available stock. in the end settled for mandarin oriental de. not bad la, quite nice. 

been wanting to buy the raffles mooncake.... but in the end did not... haix. 

and then... the school requested us to DIY lanterns. and as usual, the very supportive me will go all out to support! LOLLL.


the making process....

nice??? lol.. and we also purposely bought the bulbs to light them up. effort le ba. haha.

tada! can see what are they??

ya, and i got so enthu until i even made one for the estate as there was also a lantern making event. now my lantern is hanging at the function room. woot! 

and today, actual 中秋节. the boys all geared up for the celeb in school - lantern festival plus childrens day. hohohoho. 

time fliess... still remb last yr we were invited to the school for celebration also. this yr no more liao. thanks to covid19 again.

and ironically, we have no more mooncake for the actual day. lucky the boys bought back their DIY mooncakes from school. haha.

yup, so 中秋节快乐!!!


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