Monday, October 19, 2020

SlaPpY CaKeS @ ThE GranDsTaNd

hoho, went try out this slappy cake restaurant.. went to the outlet at grandstand.

ok, the whole gimmick about this slappy cake is - DIY pancakes! 

ya, u get to choose the batter and the sides. the batter comes in 4 flavour - buttermilk, pandan, chocolate, peanut butter. each at $8.50+. then can also choose the sides, different sides different price. 

and can start making once choice done! 

we chose the chocolate and pandan batter. erm, the chocolate flavour is too rich for a pancake i feel. not very nice. pandan is ok. next time shall try the buttermilk. 

chef at work. lol 


fun to play and quite nice to eat la. hahaha. just that when it's overcooked, it became biscuit rather than pancake... ha

yup, not too bad, quite fun. haha. jus that with the kids, abit difficult to concentrate and make a nice pancake. 

and, i think it's my first time to the grandstand. one really ulu shopping mall with nothing much inside, except for a few F&B. but there was one ultra huge HAO mart inside - probably the only place to 'shop' there. 


looks like this HAO mart is up and coming. just like in the past, sheng shiong was a brand which i had never heard of... and now.. wow.. not bad at all. 

so, this HAO mart... i have high hopes on it. 


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