Saturday, October 10, 2020



remb that v-day event organised by the NC in my development that i was soo looking forward to???

yup, it was postponed due to COVID..

and since there is no 'see-able' future that large-scale events can be resumed, the organisers decided to use today 10.10 to post-celebrate the v-day. ha.

tada! elaborated le bah?? was quite surprised really. 

the original event was supposed to include dinner and a renewal of marriage vows to be witnessed by a solemniser. but now no more liao. just photo-takings.

quite fun really. act like wedding shoot again. 


and that's our souvenir. it's a cup that will revealed our pic when hot water is poured into it.... 

try spotting our pic on the cup as it slowly unveils..... 


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