Friday, October 16, 2020

AnoTheR HaPPy ProbLeM, Yay!

*refer here for happy problem 1*

oh hohoho.

really how time flies... 

poor MIL fell down while travelling overseas..... happened 1yr ago


1yr le, passed just like that... omg.

yup, back then, i was really thrown into the deep end. suddenly no more MIL to help take care of the children.... OMG.

and i know this sounded really wrong, but i really had COVID19 to thank to.

if no COVID19, it probably will still be MAD RUSH for us every single day. mad and senseless rush honestly. 

heng got COVID19 (ok, very wrong again), that we get to wfh and really really more flexible and less of a crazy senseless rush. 

else, i probably had died of heart attack, frustration, tiredness and/or depression liao.

yup, so 1yr down, MIL has recovered alot. she's able to walk unassisted now, though would still prefer to hold onto something like an umbrella or trolley. think she has also resumed many of the activities such as cooking, marketing etc. 

so, hubb sounded her the other day, and apparently, MIL appears to be more than happy to help us fetch the children back from school and cook dinner for them.


that would mean less rush for hubb who is the one fetching them now.. and probably means we can go back to having some of the 'after-work' pak-tor time. 


but, i also worry if MIL can cope. though the situation now should be easier than last time. in the past she had to go 2x. 1x to fetch raythorous, 2nd time to fetch rayous (cuz she cannot handle if both kids come home together). but now, she just has to go 1x to fetch both together, as both boys are much stable and 'guai' than they were 1yr ago. 

but then.... she really can cope ma?? and i also super scare they gei kiang and do things out of their limits........ like bringing the kids go out play la.... or carry the kids la... etc.. 

the last thing i need is for anybody to get hurt. 


so, dont know lor. though MIL seems receptive to helping us fetch the boys again, i really dont know if should restart engaging her help or not. 

perhaps when i need to go back office to work ba, then will seek her assistance again. 

ok la, at least now we got more options.... 

happy problem!

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