Thursday, October 10, 2019

It's depressing. 


Flu for like soo sooo sooo long and no sign of recovery. Seen doc 3x already, still same old shit. Why???? 

Poor MIL is still in hospital. Successful ops done but she won't be able to continue supporting us anytime soon. 

So everything is back on our shoulders, no more me-time or us-time. And the most worrying thing now is that the boys fall sick and cannot go school, then have to take urgent leaves. How to when there are darn sooo many things at work and I only have a few days of leaves left??? 

Didi vomitted in his sleep this wee morning. Lucky he was better after taking some med and was non feverish. So, we still can send him to school. But in school, he also vomitted.. And just now at home also... But he wasnt feverish, so monitor and c how.. Pls pls pls....

And, the home reno... So many things need to buy and follow up.. But how to do any decent shopping with these 2 boys sticking around??? 


And the things at work....... Really chui. One team mate has resigned. So from an original 5pax team, we became a 3pax team. Flooding cases, and mostly non straightforward. And it doesn't help at all, with a team lead who apparently did nothing to help us. 

Nvm, don't help us nvm. But pls don't come and kao bei us and question us why flooding.. And to make it worse, I have to leave early at 6pm to pick the boys... Cannot afford to OT to clear the cases at all.... 

Tried compensating by going in earlier... But.... Sighhh.. I just worry the team lead will use this point to attack me..... Say I leave early, take long lunches and did not come in early...

But, is it my fault that we became a 3men team and the cases are just darn so many???????  So, I'm supposed to sacrifice my own time when all this boils down to a freaking manpower issue???! 


Really really demoralising and siannn. 

The only consolation is perhaps I still have a relatively good helper who can still cook for us and manages the housework. After all my earlier failures, finally this one not too bad. But again, she's not even 6mths into her service... So, better don't comment too early. Really pray she don't chu pattern for me. Else, I really can die liao. 

Need to go 拜拜。

Good luck to me. 

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