Tuesday, August 15, 2017

TouGh NighTs

haiz, tough nights with raythorous..

yesterday night fed him at 10.20pm before putting him to rest for the night.

then he woke up and fed him again at 1.35am.

and then at 4.30am, fed him again.

alamak, y is he back on a 3hr schedule?????? tot there were times when he slept straight for 4-5hrs liao??

jialek la..

i had expected at least 4hrs... but.... he is really 'punctual' la...

every 3hrs sure come...

and it really doesnt help that im those kind who cannot immediately fall back to sleep after kenna awaken up (unlike hubb!!)

so if he woke up at 1.35am, by the time i fed him and i go back to sleep, it will be around 2.30am liao. then 2hrs later, he will come looking for me again.

so effectively, i only get intervals of 2hrs sleep!

omg lah

going back to work soon leh.... how??

can MIL cope?

if MIL not enough rest at night, day time how to cope with 2 boys wor?

haiz super worrying.

but if i bring raythorous home every night, then how can i cope at work wor??? sure become zombie..

read online that babies are capable of sleeping through only by 6months, though some babies can do it earlier. and based on raythorous's weight now, he should be drinking 33oz over 24hrs. so if each time i give him 4oz, each day he will need about 8 feeds, which translate to 1 feed per 3 hours.

so, cant blame raythorous.

he's normal and on track.

but why so many other babies i heard can sleep through much earlier leh?

maybe i should feed him more each time? but this early morning i tried giving him 5oz in one go and he only managed to finish 4oz, as usual. dont dare to force the last oz down, in case he vomits out and all gone to waste!!

and.. dont know why... my milk supply seemed to slow down leh. unable to keep up with his 3hrs need leh. currently tapping on the reserves liao.. grrr.. stress..

day time he seems to be able to sleep longer when placed on the rocker chair or on his pram. but night time, he's waking up regularly every 3hrs.

haiyoh. hopefully this is only the growth spurt period. or the period whereby he's achieving some milestones. yeah, he looks like he's going to roll over anytime soon! 

really hope he can do better than rayous la. rayous was also a nightmare when it comes to sleeping through at night..

i really am expecting raythorous to do better, cuz intially, he could sleep for quite long.

raythorous must jiayou jiayou ok!!

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