Tuesday, August 22, 2017

(2nd) MaTeRniTy In SummaRy

ok, 3, or rather 2 more days before the end of my maternity leaves.


几无奈, but I guess I'm less emo about starting work this time round than the 1st time. ha. 

ok, some points on the maternity this time round: 

1) I guess it's less tiring? during rayous's time, I still had to do the laundry, tidy the house, cook etc. so whenever he goes to sleep, I had to quickly get to work. but now, w a helper around, I can rest w a peace of mind, knowing that the household chores will still run while I sleep w raythorous.

2) yeah, there were days when we can sleep till afternoon, 2pm, 3pm, and even 4pm! but they were all 'intermittent' sleep la as raythorous (just like rayous) rarely sleeps for long hours w/o waking up. so they were all interrupted hours of sleep, but still, better than no sleep right. 

3) the happiest time of the day will be at 5.30pm when I sit down to watch tv (usually channel 8 replay of drama series - 复仇女王,来自水星的男人 etc) and have my favourite white coffee and snack (either Nutella on soda pia or Nutella on sweeheng banana cake, yummmm) 

4) remb I mentioned I wanna do more during this maternity? exercising was 1 of the thing that I wanna do and I did! in fact, when I was pregnant, I was already planning on the execution, what swim la, jog la etc. but, 想就很简单,做就很难. who to take care of raythorous and I also don't know where the nearest swimming pool is. also, I had wanted to start by the 2nd month, but later realized that the body actually needs about 6wks to recover, so it's not practical to start at 2nd month.

usually hubb will bring rayous to MIL's place when he goes to work in the morning. so I only need to take care of raythorous. but there was 1 morning somewhere in mid-july when rayous said he did not want to go to MIL's place. so I told MIL that I will bring rayous to school instead. and that was also the day I started to google on where the jurong east swimming pool is located and how to get there. 

since MIL did not have to take care of rayous in the morning, it's quite fair to ask her take care of raythorous for that 3hrs while rayous is in school right? so, that was how I managed to find time to swim! 

I will bring rayous and raythorous to school and meet MIL at the school. once rayous is in school, MIL will bring raythorous back home w her, while I go to swim. after swimming, I will then fetch rayous back to MIL's place and wait for hubb to be back from work.

perfect arrangement but I can tell u, it was really not easy keeping both boys w me. it was really stressful la, especially having to make sure rayous gets to eat and nap before he goes to school. mad rush most of the time. and bringing both boys to take bus is also no fun stuff. sling-carry raythorous and hand-held rayous. woohoo! power!

but it was still worth it la. I will never forget how shiok it was to bask in the sun at 4pm while thinking what my colleagues would be doing at work.

had wanted such arrangement to carry on all the way till maternity ends, but unfortunately, the swimming had to stop when I fell sick. subsequently also cannot swim, cuz rayous did not go to school due to the HFMD cases at his school. not so nice to ask MIL to take care of both boys (though eventually she will have to), so that period I also din go swim liao. then these few days the weather had not been good. siannn. 

the last time I went swimming was last wed. if the weather for the next 2 days continues to be bad, then last wed will probably be the last time I swam liao. will really miss the swimming days. really so shiok la, to be enjoying the sun while everyone else is stuck working. kekkekeke. 

5) jogging on the threadmill was also something I had contemplated to do. but it's not easy la, cuz like I mentioned, raythorous is not a sound sleeper. when he sleeps in the day, it's usually for very short while before he needs attention again. I don't want to have interrupted jogging session and how to attend to him when I'm all sweaty and breathless? 

6) glad to have used this maternity to spend more time w rayous. brought him out, and also brought him to school and fetched him back from school.  something which I had always wanted to do and finally able to do. happy.

7) also sent out some stuff, but as usual, no response. or rather, someone responded, but eventually, also no news. also good la, probably not a bad thing to maintain status quo for now......

8) during the 1st maternity, we were very scare to bring rayous out. but now, we bring raythorous out to dine and do grocery shopping quite frequently - at least once per week, not counting sat and sun. maybe 2nd time liao, more confident. haa.

yep, so, it has been a very fruitful maternity. ahh, 4months, just like that! so fast la!

cant believe it's ending... 

back to work... it's really siann. but.. no choice lor, what to do.

hopefully, back to work, will not be as terrible as I had expected it to be ba. 

will sure miss these nua-ing days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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