Wednesday, August 23, 2017

ByE ByE MaTeRniTy LeAves..

sian, why is the sun sooo big and bright outside now??! no plan to swim today, cuz tmr back to work liao. but the big sun makes me sooo gian again. almost wanted to go, but the weather just now seemed like not much sun. but now, the sun soo big again la! grrr. should have just went! but dont go also good la. last day to nua at home liao, better get some rest. sobz. 

ok, so it's for real. back to work tmr. though i got an urge to tell them that im extending my leaves! ahahahaha, no la, kidding. 

anyway, w reference to my post on 8 aug, there were a couple of things which i wanna do b4 work starts, and boy, am i glad and grateful that i managed to do most of them! 

great family time just b4 work starts. buffet lunch last thurs at orchard central kiseki =)

and then shopping at ion. darn shiok la. no need to work. go makan and shopping! long long time no go orchard liao..

then sunday went kwan imm temple to pray, after that dinner at vivo soup restaurant followed by swensens. woohoo.

and swimming! yesterday went for my 'last' swim. but yesterday no sun la, unlike today. will really missssss swimming on weekdays 3pm. dont know when can do such thing again liao. haiiiiz. 

and yesterday also ate steamboat buffet - hai di lao at IMM! finally get to try out this very much raved about steamboat restaurant. most of the comments i heard are that the food are very good, the soup are very good, but it's also very expensive. finally get to try. haha, pardon the sua ku me. 

honestly very impressed w the service. even b4 u pay anything, they already served drinks, ice-cream, snacks (popcorns and crackers), and fruits. free-flow somemore!

and not to mention the manicure service, children corner etc. wow.

but the wait is really quite long leh. it's tuesday night and we waited for about an hr, i think? wait until i also no mood to eat liao. the crew said 1hr very fast liao wor, sometimes the wait can go as long as 4hrs worrrrr.... 

after snacking on their complimentary food, we went to buy stuff. just when we can go in to the restaurant, it was my turn for the mani service! diao. 

so did the mani 1st lor. haha

i think i was cut a little by the manicurist when she was picking the dead skin. shucks. i hope they did sterilise all the equipment after each customer....

and tada, our steamboat.

actually, i thought the food is so so only leh. the tomato soup base is nice. and the mala soup base really super mala. the 麻 will come a while later, and it was really super 麻 ok! can really feel the lips 麻-ing away! quite scary actually, haha.

the service is good la, but all the china staff lorr. then alot of gimmicks la, give plastic cover for handphone, give apron, give hair band etc. and of cuz the complimentary food and services b4 the entrance. i wonder how they cope w those pple who just eat the complimentary food, use the complimentary service, but in the end ciao and dont eat. haha. sure will have de right..

and they provide so many snacks, 还没进去就snack饱一半. like that pple will order less of the payable food right? 

but i bet they have already factored in all these costs into the price of the pple who really eat and pay. that probably explains why the prices quite steep..

as told and expected, the bill came up to about $50/pax. topped up abit more can go hotel buffet liao. 

lucky i did the manicure, no lugi. hee. if i had known earlier, shouldnt have cut my nails the day before. kekekek. 

yep, so hair cut, treatment and colored. decided not to perm, better to let the hair rest first. 
new clothes, bought 3 tops and a new jacket. no new bottoms cuz really many liao.
new heels, bought 1 pair only. 
facial not done, but nvm, that one can go after going back to work. 
just need to pack the stuff (y do i sound like im going travelling??), and tmr.... it's back to work! 


be positive, chillax, heck care ok! 百毒不侵,百忍成金!!!!!!

我可以的!! 我做得到!! 

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