Monday, June 27, 2011

MaLaCcA DaY 1

meeting point 7am on sat morning at outram mrt station.

on the tour bus

lucky for us, it wasnt all that jam. :)

stop here for breakfast. super crowded place. hard to get a shady place and hard to order also. apparently, the drinks and the fried oysters that we ordered never did come, most prob they've forgotten our orders already. and the most amazing thing was, we were seated right in front of the oysters stall and they could forget our order! boohoo.

back to the tour bus and the ride to malacca was approx a 2hr ride. half the time needed to get to KL.

tada! perenakan lunch! yummm.

and chendol! think it's a must-eat in malacca. one of the most common food. but it's supeer sweet. so, if a sugar tooth like me says it's sweet, then it's reaaally sweet. better not eat too much. bad for health.

after that was to a shopping mall, which to my disappointment, i bought nothing! urgh.

A&W!! Long long time since i ate. so excited to see one. :)

curly fries longer than my face. if stretched out, think will be longer than my hair? hehe.

be good and into my mouth u go

and then check-in hotel before we meet again for dinner and the hi-light of the trip. it's a 5-star hotel and the room was big. the bed was super comfy. all was good except that we had a smoking room. cant escape that smell. once u open the door, the smell gushes out. grr. now i know y when booking room, must specify u want smoking or non smoking room.

after dinner was to jonker street where dad and his ktv kakhis will perform. cool boh?

that time in batu pahat was indoor in shopping mall (refer to Jan 2011 post) . now is outdoor with a super big stage!! as if like getai!!


and the audiences

after dad sang his first song, we went walk along jonker street. it's like a pasar malam but it's a super looooong stretch. all selling more or less the same items. then have food stalls selling laksa, fried kuay teow, carrot cake etc. super hot weather though. we sweated like mad. and the stretch really never ending. so we walked abt 3/4 (that is if what we saw is the ending, is really the ending! there might be more shops further or can turn..) and turned back liao.

cuz we already had dinner, we really do not have much room to try out the food stalls. but not wanting to miss too much, hubb still tried out the laksa and the sting ray. wanted to try the carrot cake, but really too full liao.

it wasnt soo crowded when we arrived in the evening. but as night falls, it became more and more crowded. and of cuz, super hot.

and that's dad, on his 2nd appearance. haha. like one da ming xing.  

and then, fried kuay teow for supper from the stall nearby our hotel. we were recommended by the tour guide to try out the crabs at one of the stalls, but me and hubb were really too full le. so the folks only tabao kuay teow back to hotel room to eat.

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