Wednesday, June 8, 2011

HK 2011 Day IV

contrary to day 3, day 4 was a super packed day. mainly cuz day 3 was a slack day and day 4 was the last full day in HK, so gotta sqz all 'un-visited' places in.

porridge breakfast...

on the way to the pier in central where we can take the ferry to cheung chau.

on the 1 hr ferry ride..

tired.... Zzzzzzzzzzz

reached cheung chau! with a cutie ping-an marshmellow.. a replica of the ping-an pau...

 macdonald meal... 1st time trying out the taro pie. still apple pie is better.

dried fish

drying of prawns..... with flies.. eek..

another proud piece that exhibits my flair in photography. lol. :)

and then.. we went to yuen lung to get biscuits.. dammmn far...

and night time, was to jumbo floating restaurant. another dead far place. the folks were too tired, so we took a cab and the ride was soooooo loooong..

need to take a boat ride to reach the restaurant. very short ride. probably 5mins only. bo liao right...

both exterior and interior are super grand and atas.

2 'myths' that we solved. all the while, we tot jumbo is a super expensive place. but actually not that expensive lah. the meal costed abt $100+. slightly more ex than a normal restuarant but still affordable and reasonable, given the atmosphere. we ate at the lower deck and when we went to 'explore' the place, we were told that the food on the upper deck is cheaper. it's different menu on the 2 decks. so if u visit, do check out the different menus and see what u like.

2nd myth is, cab rides in HK are not as expensive as i thought. i will think it's more expensive than in sg, but not as expensive as what i always tot. should have taken more cab rides to reduce the folks agony.

and finally, back to our hotel in yau ma tei. near our hotel, there's this street ktv thingie.. and pa happily sang his heart. think he enjoyed this part most.

and dessert after that..

and so, that day, we visited cheung chau, yuen lung, jumbo at aberdeen. all the super far and off places. quite an achivement huh.

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