Wednesday, June 22, 2011

mr irritating is back today after 2wks of hospitalisation leave.

erm.. in the 1st place, he wasnt hospitalised, so i dont know if the term 'hospitalisation leave' is appropriate. anyway, he was away for 2 wks and juz back today.

bascially his surgery was a day surgery thingie and he looks perfectly fine to me today. came in at 930 (when our working hr starts from 9am) with coffee and packet of beehoon. still can joke around and still munching away at 945..

tell me.... what is wrong?!! seriously.. i wished he werent around...

anyway, were discussing when his next mc will be. shirley's bet is tmr. jas's bet is friday (to make it long wkend). hubb's bet is thurs AND friday. my bet is either thurs or friday.

what's yours?

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