Wednesday, June 22, 2011

HongKong Day V

okay, mr irritating is here today. let's see tmr and fri how.
anyway, to continue my hk/macau trip!!

day 5.. day to travel to macau!


additional breakfast..

at the ferry terminal waiting for the ferry

on the ferry.. an hour ride to reach macau :)

1st meal in macau

one of my fav food in macau! somewad like our yong tau foo. but instead of sweet sauce and chilli, they give u curry! i supeer likeee!!!

another fav food! portugese egg tart and from the very famous bakery shop in macau. jus along the senado street, they have like 8 shops already! i dont eat normal egg tarts but i simply loveee portugese tarts. can find such tarts in singapore as well, taste similar, but not as good. the ones in macau are sweeter and crispier. yummmm ~~~!

came here just in april 2010 b4 i changed dept.. now back here again. keke.

bubbble bubbbble tea again!!!

with bubble tea and the curry 'yong tau foo'. shioook lahh!

good views from mum's room

night time was of cuz to the casinoes!

casino lisboa is the older one. it's really old inside. grand lisboa is the new one and much nicer. juz across the street.

there are many 24-hrs pawn shops/jewellery shops/time piece shops and eateries in macau. really a gambling haven! will really die if lacking in self-control!

and then supper at 2330. ahhhhaha.

i think the folks enjoyed macau more than hk, esp mum. probably i didnt make them walk as much as there's really nothing much in macau. haha. basically walk a bit in the day, then rest in hotel, then night time go casinoes. even till now, mum still said if go, she will want to go macau again. mm. folks.

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