Saturday, August 9, 2008

HappY BirThDay SinGaPoRe!

happy national day everyone! happy beijing olympic! one world, one dream! peace to the world!
one year ago de national, i was still anticipating on the coming new job. it's been a year! omg OMG!
tdy was walking pass the sec school near my place when i saw the students having the national day ceremony. u know... the part whereby the uniform grps will carry the national flag and parade? then the whole lot of them were in red and white. then when i reached the bus stop and look across the street at the pri sch, i saw the field lined up with benches. suddenly i was reminded of soo many things.
i guess national day is one of the most interesting 'festival' during sch times. in pri sch, i rememebered the lower pri will have their sports day while the upper pri will go to the hall and watch concert. then it's also the day whereby we can wear home clothes (of cuz, preferably in red or white) and traditional costumes. and it's the day whereby it's half day! basically go sch to enjoy and go home. lol~ and i rememebred in pri sch, we were given national flags too.. or rather, during art lesson, we were made to color the flag and bring during national day. really vague memories, if nt for wad i saw in the morning, i would have long forgetten them. mmmmm...
national day this year will be interesting, cux i'll be heading m'sia for a one day tour with hubby and parents. it's all the fat boy's idea.. basically the deal includes a fruit farm visit, 2 seafood meals and fireflies watching. reporting time is 6am. meeting hubb at 5.30am. gotta wake up at 4.30am. and the time now is 1.19am. omg.
i guess pa is rite... it's our own country's bday... wad the hell are we doing in other pples' country???? ~ diao ~
watched a little of the opening ceremony for olympic. the fireworks are breath-taking! and the stadium is super ultra duper big lor... soooo many pple... all like little ants. really cool ~
and....... tdy, or rather ytd, was the 8m toto day! whenever there's this kind of big draw, i too will buy myself a hope. and............... guess wad???!!!
ok lar, din win the 8m lar... if i did, i think i will be in a semi-conscious state liao. but, i did strike and won myself............................. $20!!!!!!!!!! hahahha. not too bad liao lar, made a profit of $4! that's quite some luck already yea??!
okay, time to catch tt 3 hrs of slp. this wkend is gonna be a long one as sunday is going ian's place to celebrate his baby gal's bday! luckily i have the foresight to take leave on monday.wahahhahah !
enjoy peepz!

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