Wednesday, August 13, 2008

1st AnniVeRsArY

tdy is the exact 1 yr tt im with the bank. haha ~
over this 1 yr... many things learnt, many experiencs, both gd and bad. seriously i think im quite power le. 1st job can stay soo long. lol~ expected myself to job-hop for a while b4 settling down, but did not. o, don get me wrong, i don mean i will be settled with this job.. juz tt i din expect myself to stay in 1st job for >1yr. ha ~ kudos!
actually all is gd with this job except for the fact tt has to come into contact with customers. please everyone, bear in mind NEVER to find jobs tt need to come into contact with customers. as long as u have to face pple, there will be prob. be it the front line officers, the bus drivers, the taxi drivers, the sales pple, the educationers, even policemen! it's really not an easy task.
so except for the fact tt have to liaise with customers (or rather, the nasty customers), all is quite well. superiors are okay, colleagues also okay. in fact, if i were to leave the job, i guess it will be the batch of colleagues tt i'll miss most. of cuz, after all this time, some colleagues remain the status '不是很熟', but there r a few who'r very supportive and helpful. thankful tt these pple r around making my work life not as mundane and not as 'scary' as i anticipated.
from now till next march, there shouldnt be any big changes in my working journey. any changes will and should come only after march when i receive the bonus payout! hahaha ~ hopefully everything will run smoothly...
every now and then, i do harbour thoughts of leaving. but... will it really be better elsewhere? i guess every where is the same. somehow, perfection doesnt exist. if u dont have to liaise with customers, then u will have nasty bosses if not nasty colleagues if not lousy pay if not high level of stress and pressure if not long working hours if not this if not that. seriously, i guess this is wad working life is all about. or rather, this is wad life is all about - dealing and accepting imperfections in the perfect way. lol ~
ok, this 1 year has overall been a fruitful 1. learnt many new things and gained many experiences. will juz go with the flow and c how things go. jiayou jiayou jiayou !!!!!!!!!!

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