Thursday, August 14, 2008

7th MonTh

ok, it's the once-a-yr lunar 7th mth 'praying' session again.
year by year, the pple who pray seemed lesser and lesser.... the 'atmosphere' also 'thinner' and 'thinner'. mmm..
it's thurs! day by day, wk by wk, mth by mth, yr by yr... sometimes when u stop and think, it's really stunning how time can pass soo fast. it's juz like when it's sunday, u will dread the arriving of monday. then once monday is over, time will pass super fast. then comes thurs where u'll look 4ward to fri. then u'll say TGIF and look 4ward to sat and sun. then when sun comes, the whole process starts all over again and u'll dread monday again. o well. it's really mundane, isnt it?
yet.... none of us can escape tt fate. why?
so this is wad life is all abt yeah?
apparently im at the prime of a woman's age. is there anything tt i can do to prevent this 'prime time' from passing away fruitlessly? is there anything i can do to make my life different from all others? is there anything tt i can do to make my life more happening???
wad can i do? wad can i do??!!

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