"A leap year is a year in which one extra day has been inserted, or intercalated, at the end of February. A leap year consists of 366 days, whereas other years, called common years, have 365 days. " (courtesy of time and date.com )
read frm the website that basically leap year is necessary 'to keep our calender in alignment with the earth's revolutions around the sun'. to put things simply, the earth actually takes ~365.25days to rotate ard the sun. if we uses a 365-day calender, each year, we will lose ~0.25 day. so in order to make up for that 0.25 day, every 4 yrs, we will need an extra day. if not, in 100 yrs time, the 'calendar would be more than 24 days ahead of the season (tropical year), which is not desirable or accurate'.
ok, actually i already knew tt in sec or jc (cant rememeber which). but cant really remember the facts, so juz went to the website to chk it out. hahaha.. bo liao hor?
anyway, 2008 is a leap year which contains 29th feb aka leap day. when the next leap year occurs, i'll be 27 yrs old le. i wonder how will i be then... haii.... sounds so scary... ok.. im digressing further and further away and losing the focus of today's entry.
on leap day, cousin alison finally tied the knot. cousin alison should be my 2nd eldest cousin frm maternal side. eldest maternal cousin is her older brother whom i address as ah heng cousin. then followed by cousin alison. then followed by cousin mich who is only 1 yr my senior. heh.
actually not v close to cousin alison, maybe due to age gap. but she's really close to my ah ji. when they were still teenagers and when i was still a kid, i remembered they will meet up every wkend. then every cny, they will go out together after ban-nian-ing at granny's hse. now, my ah ji is a mama and cousin alison also married le.. 时间真的不饶人... 大家......乘年轻想做什么就赶快去做吧!!!! 年轻真的就这么一次 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the wedding dinner was held at orchard parade hotel on the leap day. rushed down after work. quite galan-gabok cuz i gotta bring my outfit to change and make-up. took a cabby down to the hotel frm work-place. my colleague was telling me how ex it would be cuz peak hours and town area. but only $10.80 la. 吓到我 ...

~the bride and the bride groom~

四代同堂 pic~

yep, tt's abt all the pics. and the choco tt they gave as souvenirs.. it's really yummy. im juz glad i "kop" a few boxes back. hiak hiak hiak :)
to cousin alison and cousin-in-law, eddy : 白头谐老,永浴爱河,早生小BB !
O.. and i cut my fringe ytd... it's a blurdy wrong decision!!!!!!!!!!! i look blurdy cock now!!!!!!!!!!! omg!!!!!!! help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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