Sunday, March 30, 2008

PrinCess's BapTiSm

last sunday(23/03/08) morning was spent at st theresa church. went there to witness little tricia's baptism. erm.... think it's the 2nd time i went to a church? 1st time was when a teacher got married. 2nd time will be this time le lor..
after the baptism, went to red star restaurant for dim sum breakfast. after tt went shopping with papa and mama @ chinatown.

ok, sis will be going back to work v soon. so the little princess will be at my house everyday le. hehehe.. looking 4ward. everyday after work can go home and play with the little cutie le. :)
tmr's monday again. alrite, not as bluee as usual. i think im really suffering frm depression sometimes. last wk was real horrible. blueee till don know wad to say. never been soooooo blue b4. even fri i was also blueeee. so weird. maybe PMS :X
this wk's better le. tmr monday also not tt blue le. 2 more wks b4 jap trip. really hope no major prob at work, else cannot go with peace of mind.
alrite. jiayou. hopefully it'll be a peaceful wk ahead. jiayou jiayou jiayou !!!

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