Sunday, March 2, 2008

MonDaY BluEeeesss

im soo soo sianz.. tmr's monday again. o man.. i really do suffer frm monday blues. i don wanna go back to work. i don wanna face all those shit. i hope things can clear up soon, but.... it seemed like it's not going to. delaying and delaying and delaying.. till now..... don know how to clear liao. doesnt matter it cant clear, i juz hope no new shit will come. sorry for being so coarse, but... besides using "shit" to describe, i don know a better word le.
was listening to 933 tt day... then the dj was saying he's been wanting to be a dee-jay all his life and now tt he is, he enjoys work everyday. when ur job = hobby, how nice would tt be rite? but tt's where the problem comes in, apparently, i do not have a hobby. all i wanna do is to slack and sleep. but then, if i don work and everyday slack, then i wont be tired le rite? and if im not tired, then sleeping will not be my hobby le rite? mmmm....
my colleague almost tells me everyday how nice it will be being a tai-tai and only work for interests. will being a tai-tai really be happy? i have no money, so i work hard and look forward to payday everyday. i look forward to having money to buy the things i like, to travel to places i want, to see my savings grow. if i have alot and alot and alot of money, doesnt tt mean i have nothing to look forward to le? doesnt tt mean life holds no meaning le?? so, does being rich = happy?
ok, being rich is one thing. but how to find a job whereby i will be looking forward to everyday? i tot of many jobs tt maybe i will enjoy, but i can think of the many challenges in those jobs as well. basically i want a job tt 1)no need to face pple, 2)no need to kenna scoldings, 3) no need to clear shit, 4) no need to hit targets. all i want is a job whereby i juz need to sit at my desk whole day and do work and when the time is up, knock off and continue tmr. no need to talk to anyone else, no need to worry abt not being able to finish, and no need to hit any targets. 做得完就做,做不完就明天再做.....
不可能hor....很难hor.... 没有这样的工作对吗??
I tot for v long.... and... 终于想到了一个最符合我的要求的工作.... and tt is to be a mrt driver.
they juz have to stay in their little cabin and ensure tt the train reaches the stations on time. no need to face pple, no targets, no backlogs. perfect, isnt it?
till date, tt is the only one job tt i can think of.
so how pple??? how to find my perfect job???
sian sian sian.... im really sian.. sis said something is really wrong if i dread going to work so much.
i retorted her asking "u not sian at work meh?"
she said "sian, but not as sian as the way u r"
then, she told me to re-consider my job if im going to dread it soo much....
actually i will be v happy if i can close off the 3 cases on hand. then in future, i will play smart and avoid such cases le. pls pray for me pple. pray that the 3 cases can be resolved soon. then, i will be a happy person le.

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