Sunday, February 10, 2008

CNY 2008

alrite... and so, cny's coming to an end.. gotta go back to work tmr le. luckily this yr joined with the wkend, else ytd alr started work le. mm... as usual, there's always this sian feeling when something tt i've been looking forward to is over and life's gotta go back to normal again. i know time must go on and gd or bad, it will past. but, it's juz sian lor.
basically nothing much to look forward to le. next up will be v-day, little niece's full mth celebration, cousin's wedding and hopefully bonus in march. hopefully cuz they can choose to extend my probation period and tt will make me ineligible for the bonus as im not a confirmed staff. hope they wont be so mean baaa....
ok, back to cny.. on new year eve, we off work at 1pm. then went home and took a nap. was supposed to do some last min spring cleaning, but.... really tired and dozed off while watching tv. woke up at dinnertime and had reunion dinner at home. after tt stayed home and packed my room. been a long time since i went no where during cny eve. past few years also went out.. but this year decided to stay behind and tidy my room. if i dont do it now, i know i'll never do it anywhere near in the future. haha... and so, i did the counting down at home. or in fact, alone. pa and ma went to the temple while bro was already asleep as he still gotta work the next day. was helping mum to mop the floor when 12 o clock stroke. ahahha.. my cny eve.... quite special ba?
chu yi as usual, pa's side family will come over to my house then together, we'll go over to their house to have reunion lunch (steamboat). i simply love the steamboat every year. always will eat alot during this steamboat session. im thinking of buying a steamboat myself and as and when i like, i shall juz have steamboat at home. hiak hiak.. some pics...
*cousin min and me*

*uncle and auntie*

*auntie and ma*

*pa and ma.. yummy steamboat!*


*mama and me*
*hubb and me*


*ah kang! how suave in his new outfit!*
*hubb and his bro*

after tt, went over to hubb's house to ban nian with his family. then went to his relatives' houses as well...
chu-er was spent at ma's side relatives place. my small cousins are all growing up.. last time we were the small ones, then my sis and bro and the big cousins were the elder one.. and those younger than me were still babies ... now... the small ones have grown up and i become the big cousin le.. haii.. one generation after one generation.. man..
actually im not tt close with my maternal side cousins. maybe due to age gap? or maybe cuz we really only see each other once a yr? and cousin mich.... choose to come soo late and leave early lorr.. left me alone. boohoo... and so, i went to gamble with the adults. hahaha.. and.... i won 3 fold! started off with $10 and i ended up with $40. some luck huh.
chu-san went watch ah long pte ltd with hubb. aft tt wanted to watch cj7 midnite slot de... but only 1am+ then there's show... too tired to wait and nothing to do in btw, so decided not to...
been spending money and eating alot during cny. actually also quite glad everything is ending la. life can go back to normal and my spending and eating can also go back to normal. haha..
ok, tt's so much for cny2008. trust me, v soon, i'll blog abt cny2009 le.
juz a blink of an eye.
trust me.

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