Wednesday, January 30, 2008

ThE DeciSioN

bright sunny windy wed afternoon. wad the hell am i doing at home? no needa work? hah.. on mc today... and y ?? cuz...... i did something drastic ytd nite.
y??? tot i got myself dead drunk issit? haaa...... actually erm... erm... went for a small laser surgery...
guess.. guess.. wad did i do to myself??
actually, nothing lar.. juz got the mole on my chin removed.
actually frm young i had hated my mole. hmm.. don know if it was retribution, but when i was young, i hated pple with mole. i find mole v ugly and disgusting. and as always, life is full of ironies. the more u hate it, the more it will come to u.
it started off being a small flat dot. and then it started to grow... i remembered clearly there was once, when i was really young, i sat in front of the mirror, staring at my mole and started crying. i knew it will grow and, being someone who find mole ugly and disgusting, i cannot accept it at all. but again, like wad i mentioned, things tt u don wanna happen, will always happen. and so, the mole grew.......
along the way i started accepting.. oblivious to it. i don know how it appeared to other pple, but to me, i tot it wasnt all tt obvious and all tt big.
until don know when.. when i looked thru the pics... i tot the mole is actually pretty obvious. then i started feeling conscious all over again. and then the thought of removing it came to me..
and so, i finally did it ytd. after much hesitation and procrastination, i did it ytd.
quite a fast process. some cream, one injection, some laser shooting and it's gone! but then... it wasnt as clear cut as i tot. now the place when the mole was supposed to be became a big hole. yes a big terrible looking hole. the doc said it will heal within a wk and b4 ny, it'll be fine. but then he added something like "at most 2 wks, it will be ok".. so issit gonna be a wk? or 2? kaozz.......
ok.. and so... byebye mole.
hopefully it can heel quick and flawless.

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