Tuesday, February 19, 2008


im so dead stress at work. im suffering frm depression everyday. wad is wrong man? my xin1 li3 really BU4 PING2 HENG2..............................................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
y issit pple can easily throw their shit away and happily hit target everyday? y issit me who always have to help pple clear their shit when i have my own shit to clear? the downstairs push to the upstairs then the upstairs will throw to the middle stairs which unfortunately where im. be it my own shit or other pples' shit, i have to clear. c'mon lorr.
in a positive manner, i should see it as greater responsibility and greater advacement. but in a negative manner, it's simply KIO-ING SAI. wad do they want? im not a super woman can??! i have to hit targets everyday, i have to clear my own cases and now... even if it's not my case, i also have to handle??! in fact the few cases on hand, some were not even my biz! i cant help but really feel imbalance.
i know i should be positive and be helpful and not be so selfish. but.... they cant expect me to do this and do tt rite??? i don know wad to say anymore. i also know wadever i say, it's not gonna change the situation. im juz a newbie lehh.. up till now, they still dont wanna cfm me, so y ask me to do so many things?? i really feel so helpless. i cant say no to the higher levels... in the end, i have to solve everything on my own and there r juz so many things to clear. y?
im really really tired... i really don know how long i can hold it until i go bonkers.
i know it's childish to say "it's juz so unfair"... but then........
IT'S JUST SO F***ING UNFAIR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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