Sunday, February 24, 2008

LeisUrE PaRk @ KallanG

singapore's a really boring place... if there's no specific errands to run, then there's really no interesting place where we can juz go out to walk walk...okok, hubb will say there is the zoo, the birdpark, the crocodile farm and the blah blah blah.................. but then... hehee... sorry hubb, really no interest ne... :p..
and so, ytd, hubb and me went to this new shopping centre @ kallang. saw the ad on the trains... this new mall at kallang.. tot we'll go there and explore. i tot the mall's rite beside kallang mrt, like most other shopping centres, but actually it's not. still gotta take a bus and abt a few bus-stops away, near the stadium. if i knew it's so inconvenient, i wouldnt have gone there le.. so out of the place.. i wonder y they build it there. o, or maybe i know y.. cuz apparently, there will be a new mrt station "stadium".. and i think in future, mrt will link us to the stadium, hence a mall was built there. yupp.
quite a big mall, but nothing much as many of the shops r still vacant. got bowling alleys, super big k-box, a donut shop, kou-fu foodcourt, restauarants... nothing special, as like all other malls. had dinner there and sat in the foodcourt eating and chatting for abt 1 hr. then went to watch this guy selling magic tricks, performed magic. beside his stall was another guy providing potraits services. and we stood there for 1 hr watching magic tricks and the guy's drawing. haa... always wanted to have our potraits drawn, but it's always expensive. ytd tt guy will draw at $20/head. which means if hubb and i were to be in the drawing together and each of us have 1 copy, it will be equal to 2 heads x $20 per head x 2 copies = $80. and then if we want him to spray the protective layer, it will be additional $10 per drawing. hence, it will cost us $100 to have the both of us drawn. woo.. not worth it ba.....
there was this couple who had their children drawn. each had one drawn so it's $60. quite rich huh...
in tt sense, the artiste can earn quite abit rite... assuming he'll need 15mins to draw 1 person. so $30/15mins = $2/min. one day he'll juz need to draw 2 persons and he'll earn more than wad i used to earn as a part-timer per day. wahhh... not bad xia.. maybe i should take up drawing as well. lol
then juz as we exit the mall, we heard a super fast engine sound of cars. nearby there were rally cars running on the tracks. maybe rehersals or test drives.. running at super fast speeds.. and so the 2 of us stood there watching again. haa..
ok, and tt summed up my sat. quite interesting, at least we went to a new place, rite?
sunday was spent at home snoozing away. shiok!
tmr's monday again.. blue.. blue... BLUEEEEeEEEEEeEEEE ~~~

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