Sunday, June 3, 2007

MayDaY CoNcErT

yesterday went watch mayday's concert with sis, bro-in-law, and hubb. hehe.. not too bad. quite high. but we were rather far away, so din really "high to the max". the concert was at max pavilion. 1st time there. hmm.. not as big as indoor stadium and the seats were those normal chairs, not those carpeted seats.

sista and me!

me, bro-in-law, and sista


b4 the concert starts..

during the concert. pple in front damn high.. all stood up liao..

erm.. tt's guai4 shou4 i think

guan4 you4

i guess different artistes got different styles when conducting concerts. some like to play ard with costumes, some like to dance. as for mayday, hmm.. no costumes to talk abt lei.. they wore only t-shirts. and no dance also. maybe cuz they are a band. can play own music already v li hai? hmm.. i wanna watch sammi cheng's concert. watched once on tv... think she's really good. can sing, can dance, got costume parade. shiok! if she comes, hopefully i can afford the most ex tix and sit rite in front! cool!

after the concert we went supper @ east coast mac b4 bro-in-law drove us home.. woo.. fat...


on wed went accompany ma for doc's appt. after tt met sis and bro-in-law for lunch. went to this newly opened jap restaurant @ revenue house. tv kept having the advertisment and the things there like v cheap, so we decided to explore that place.


at revenue house, where i had my intern. been one yr le... which means 1 yr i neber go there le. time flies.. the coffeeshop changed le. the pretty coffee lady also not there when i went there. anyway, the restaurant's rite beside the coffeeshop. 2nd level. nice environment. the sushi on the conveyor belt costs only $0.99 per plate. much cheaper than those outside. and got a wide variety of food also. got bbq food, ramen, don, udon, and many many others. see when got gathering can go there. but then revenue house.. rather ulu lar.. i guess tt's y they can offer at such low prices. if open in shopping malls, think they cannot price their pdts so low le. cost leadership strategy? lol.. then u dont order thru the staff de. rather, u go and walk ard and see wad u like to eat. then u have to take the ice-cream stick tt represents tt food and bring back to ur table. then u juz place ur ice-cream sticks into the holder and someone will come collect the sticks and ur food will come soon. interesting eh? juz walk ard and come back with ice-cream sticks. haa.. next time can recommend tt place. revenue house, 2nd level. nearest mrt, novena.


after tt lunch, went home and at nite met up with cousiee mich. cousins for soo many years, but this is like the 1st time we 2 went out alone??! when we were young, there used to be family outings. i remembered we used to go genting too. 2 times, i think? hahha.. but as we grow up, no more such family outings le lei.. only cny then we got to meet. we were frm the same sec sch, and same cca in sec sch. used to write letters de.. haha... but as we grow up, letters also stopped le. anyway, unlike my sis and another elder cousin who are v v close esp in their teenage years, me and cousin mich werent tt close. but this is a gd start. hehee.. went eat cafe cartel then went shopped ard ps. great time! see when u free jio me out again yo, cousin mich! hope next time i meet u, it'll be after my work and not come out frm home. ** pray**

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