Thursday, February 1, 2018

yup. so went to the specialist. and as expected, there are only 2 solutions: 

1) open up the previously done root canal and find out exactly what went wrong. if still can salvage, then salvage. if beyond salvage, then to extract and implant a fake tooth.

2) straight away extract and implant a tooth.

sounds very simple and straightforward right? 

but.... each solution has it's own sets of cost and implications. 


i dont know... i really dont know.... 

either way.. it's gonna be a 4-digit figure costs.. and either way, there's no gtee that the solution will be good for a lifetime. 

and the pain and mental stress...that i have to go thru again..........

siann. siannn.. really super siannnn...

and meanwhile, the pain persists... no other medicine except panadol (partly also cuz im breastfeeding)..... 

had never anticipated that my teeth could give me such big problems.. 

take care of your teeth peeps.

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