Monday, February 5, 2018

ok! im done with the re-treatment of my root canal! 

appointment was initially made on friday, but the clinic managed to slot me in this morning, after someone cancelled his/her appointment. 


so, according to the specialist, there is no crack and no other roots/branches that were uncleaned. so, somehow, the bacteria just got resurrected and decided to attack me again. 

and, with each root canal done to the same tooh, the chances of success drop. so, this time round, the success rate is 60% to 80%. and, there may still be crack(s) that is/are so bloody deep down, that even the microscope cannot detect. so.... if i do feel pain again.... it most probably will mean another failure and i probably will have to proceed with other options liao. 

anyway, take things one at a time ok. at least for now, so far so good. my tooth is still my tooth, and im still in 1 piece! LOL

and this specialist, is definitely much much nicer than the previous one 1 went to. ok, this specialist is referred by the dentist whom did my 1st root canal (both of them belong to the same dental group). the 1st specialist was referred by the dentist whom i went to seek a 2nd opinion. abit chim hor?

anyway, yeah, this specialist is soooooo much nicer than the 1st one and i feel comfortable w him. 

and, the root canal this time round is definitely a more pleasant experience. sure, the process is still gruelling, but the 'aftermath' is not as bad as the previous times. 

in the previous times, after the treatment, half of my face went numbed and my jaws ache totally! this time round, after the treatment, there was only a little weird feeling and that's about it. i can still go shop around after that, haha. 

看来, specialist真的就是不一样. 

and of cuz, the fees also 不一样. believe it or not, i was charged $1.35K ok! apparently, this is cheaper than usual already. for a re-treatment, he said he will charge $1.5K to $1.6K. but becuz i was a referred case, he's only charging me $1.25K (which is the price he charges for a brand new case). 

haiii. big burn in the pocket. lucky the original dentist who did the original root canal said he can refund me the money which i had paid previously. so still not so bad.. haii.

i really should have studied harder. see.. less than 3hours and can earn $1k+ liao... 

anyway, i guess i only have myself to blame. what u did in the past, really will come back to haunt u 1 day. had i seek proper treatment back in 2010 when the pain 1st occur, probably i wouldnt have to go thru all these and spend so much now. if i had taken care of myself and not let my tooth die, all these could also have been avoided. if only... if only..... 

ok, anyway, just hope the root canal this time round can work ok. 


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