Sunday, February 18, 2018

Shucks. My da yi ma is back!

Came quite as a shock. Wasn't expecting it to be back so fast.

But then again, referring back to my past entry (, the yi ma came back also around the same time. In fact, it was exactly the same time, about 9.5months post birth. 


So also don't know y I felt it seems like so fast this time round. And also, raythorous seems to grow up faster than rayous. 不知不觉, he's going to be one yr old soon! 

During rayous's time, it seems like soo long before he finally reached 1yo. Now, raythorous is like so fast la! 

I guess it's due to the fact that days will pass faster when ur bz. Handling 2 kids is really no easy feat.  So maybe that's y time juz wheez by. 

And somehow, my milk flow also seems to reduce le leh. I don't really feel painful despite not pumping for hours. And these few days, cuz of the cny visitings, I only managed to pump 2x a day instead of 3x and I'm okay leh. Did not feel painful or uncomfortable.  And despite not pumping for hours, the volume is also quite low. Maybe total 8oz per time only.

OK.  So, I guess my breastfeeding journey will end soon. 

So far, raythorous still hasn't started on formula yet. For rayous, I remembered I stopped breastfeeding after he's around 1yo. But hubb said though I continued with breastfeeding, I started rayous on formula after he was 6mths old. I cannot really recall when I started rayous on formula, but if what hubb said is true, then I'm doing far better this time round, since raythorous is still drinking purely breastmilk.

OK. 也算仁之义尽了。

Breastfeeding is a nightmare.

Can't wait for it to end soon.

Finally seeing some lights.


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