Saturday, February 3, 2018

ok, it's decided. 

i will open up the root canal and see what's wrong. maybe there's really nothing majorly wrong, and i just have to redo the root canal thingie. and.. if it's really soo suay that it's really a crack, then i will LL suck it up, and have it pulled out. 

at least there's a 了结 and not 死不瞑目.. 

actually, if it's just pulling out and full stop, then i have no qualms in pulling out. but things are not as simple ok. after pulling out, still have to go for tooth implant. 

root canal is a nightmare. but im quite sure tooth implant is worse. 

so..... i will try all means to avoid..

and that's y, i want to open up the root canal and check first. really confirmed 没得救了, then 再做打算...

meanwhile, the pain is still lingering, but apparently, like not as painful as before liao. i believe it might go away eventually, but i also believe if i ignore it now, it will come back w more menace! 

so.. face it squarely and treat it bah.. hopefully once and for all.. 

honestly, it's only a tooth and 很小事而已.. but im already upset, bothered and worried enough. i think i really gotta build up a stronger mind though i really dont know how to... 

anyway, wish me good luck ok. 

hopefully 还有得救..... 

verdict will be out this coming friday, though i had requested to put me on priority if there is any cancelled appointment.  


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