Sunday, May 14, 2017

RaYous's FirsT BirThDaY

ok, dont ask me why i took sooo long to blog about rayous's 1st bday. i also dont know why. haha. 

yeah, we held his 1st bday celebration at marina mandarin's peach blossom restaurant.

honestly, we spent much more time looking for his bday celebration venue than for our wedding venue. really!

for wedding, it's quite straighforward - it's either within budget or out of budget. so we straight-away can zoom in to the selected few hotels. but for his bday, the differences in prices b/w the different venues are not that huge, so we really had to recce and compare. 

we really visited many hotels and restaurants loh. in the end finally settled on peach blossoms. and, i never knew that one has to meet a minimum spending if you want to dine in the private rooms. i always thought so long u reserve early enough, u can get the room. 

with yeye and ah ma.

star of the day 

the food.... not bad.. big portion.. 

the bday cake. yummy!

finally reaching 1yo milestone! 

love this boy. 

turning terrible 2 soon.... 

and really getting naughtier and more difficult.


to us. 


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