Tuesday, May 30, 2017

oh, 1st night w raythorous.......

tough night!!!

but waking up to a brunch like this, 也算是补偿了...

this raythorous is one tough boy.. doesnt want to sleep, wants to be carried, makes alot of 'struggling' sound when sleeping.....

i almost did not sleep at all loh. his 'struggling' sound kept waking me up. 3am fed him milk, who knows, he vomitted almost everything out. after that i went to pump milk and went back to sleep at 4am. who knows at 4.30am, mr raythorous chu pattern again, so fed him milk again. after that he kind of refused to sleep liao. lucky hubb woke up and took over so i can get some sleep.

wah lao eh... 1st night already like that... haiii.. same pattern as the brother one.. jialek..

daytime also.. wants to be carried then can sleep. once put him down he will wake up liao...


good luck to me...

i will become a zombie..... soon.

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