Thursday, May 11, 2017

JaMu MassaGe by BaBiEs & Bellies

yeah, started on the jamu massage on 8 may. 

used back the same company - babies & bellies - as the previous time


actually had wanted to try out another company. but didnt manage to fix a time. so use back this same company loh. the therapist is also the same therapist who was assigned to me 2yrs back. haha. apparently she stays opposite my block only. 

so far so good. signed for 7 sessions. thinking if i should go for 10 sessions instead. 

honestly need to do a favour to my poor belly. 

look how much it was expanded.... haiz.

and apparently, my helper said she also knows how to use the wrap. she said she used to use it on herself as well as her brother's wife and it really will help to flatten the tummy. but....... she said had to wrap daily for......... 1 YEAR..... before the tummy can become totally flat. 


ok.. shall see how. 

maybe just ask her to help me wrap every night. 


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