Monday, May 29, 2017

End oF ConFineMenT PerRioD

ok, confinement nanny is gone!

earlier than expected... 

the agreement was to hire her 10 more days post the baby shower. 

subsequently we felt that her service is not as good as previous liao, so wanted to cut short to 5days post baby shower, but did not know how to tell her about it. lucky she herself asked if ok to cut short or not, cuz she wanna go for eye checkup and schedule for some eye surgery. so i happily told her that raythourous has vaccination appointment on 1june morning, and she can leave after going w us to the appointment. 

who knows there was a misunderstanding and she tot the appointment was on monday, instead of 1june. and she said she has already scheduled for eye check-up on monday.... so instead of 1june, she left today le loh. 

well, she came at around 3pm on the 1st day, so rightfully, she should at least cook lunch before leaving la. but she left at around 10am just now liao. haiz. 

anyway, cut short also good la. her service really not as good liao and also dont really need her around le la. 

ok, generally, her cooking is good. she knows what to cook and what to boil for me. and she knows how to handle baby so i can rest. since 2nd time liao, im very much more relaxed than the 1st time. most of the time, i will just leave raythorous w her. this time round, i did not even observe how she bath raythorous lo. keke. 

now the not-so-good things.. 

1) she still will tend to cook ALOT. really ALOT loh! see liao really full half that kind ok! i mean, have to use some common sense right. only 1-2 pple eating, why must cook sooo much??? really waste food and money leh! 

2) she still has the habit of sneezing w/o covering up. but she refrained from doing that after we commented. 

3) she used to help us here and there w the housework. now no more liao. in fact, she left the things for my helper to do when we felt that she should be the one doing eg, washing up the dishes, washing the bottles etc.. ok la, i do see her spending more time w baby eg 'playing' w baby, talking to him, carrying him etc. so maybe she tot since the helper is around, the chores can leave to helper, while she concentrates on baby? 

4) but i also felt that her frequency of making phone calls is higher this time round. and tend to talk for v long also. talk also talk discreetly lah, talk so loud.. there was 1x when i got so pissed, that in the middle of her call, i went to question her if she has already helped me boil the herbal water for bath. only then she chop chop ended the call. see la, so free until can chit-chat on the phone.. 

5) and.. this pisses me off the most.. in the middle of the night, when baby cries for milk, she will carry him over to me. after that, she should come over and check if the feeding is done and carry baby back right? but most of the time, i have to carry baby over to her, cuz.... she fell back to sleep liao! best right. lucky in the later part, got enough milk to pump out for her to feed via bottles in the middle of the night, no need to carry to me liao. haha. 

6) oh oh, and i also hated it when she passed baby to me on the excuse that baby was hungry. i dont think baby was hungry lo. i think she just wanted me to help look after the baby so she can do other stuff like bathing or cooking.

ok, so all in all, her job now is definitely more relaxed than the previous time liao, since she can 'sub-con' some of the scopes to the helper. also, maybe she's older le la, so not as attentive and responsive as the 1st time. in a nutshell, i feel paying her $100 per day is not as worthwhile liao la. so, good that we cut short and save some money. 

so now, it's all back to me liao. i suppose this maternity should be easier than the last maternity ba, since i can also sub-con to helper. hahahahaha. 

but i also want to use this maternity to do more la. like spending more time w rayous.. bring him out.. exercising etc etc... but, 说就 龙飞凤舞... if really want to execute, also 
not as easy.

that probably explained why during the 1st maternity, i was almost totally stuck at home alone w rayous. i think it really was during the weekends when hubb was around, then i 'dare' to go out. during the 1st maternity, i did not dare to go out w rayous alone lo. scare he gives me problem when we r outside and i cannot handle... hahahaha. 

okok, shall see how it goes this time. i definitely want to achieve more this time! LOL

jiayou jiayou! 

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