Thursday, May 25, 2017

haha, finally can wash my hair tmr liao. 


same as 1st time, i did not wash my hair throughout the confinement period. 

power right?

but unlike the 1st time, i powdered much less this time round. during the 1st time, i powdered my hair alot, like once every day? and each time will put alot of powder. towards the end, can literally scrapped off powder crumbs from my head. 


so this time round, i powder less liao. dont wanna clog the scalp. and probably becuz of the less powdering, can really feel the oiliness of the hair... and the itchiness too... 

there were a few days when i really wanna give up and just go for a good wash, but ultimately did not lah, cuz i think more troublesome to wash than dont wash. 

so just tahan till now le lohhhh. 

finally tmr can wash liaooo! 


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