Wednesday, July 6, 2016

oh hohoho.. lucky tmr is a PH!!!! v happy! 

been so caught up preparing for rayous's bday and our hk/macau trip!

cant believe the same time 1yr ago, i was heavily pregnant. wahahahahahaha. 

time fliesssss!!

will be celebrating rayous's bday on this coming sat, and will be travelling the right next day. woohoo! 

the last time i sat on an airplane was for honeymoon, and that was back in 2014! 

finally can travel again....albeit with much anxiety and uncertainty... 

not sure if rayous will be cooperative or not... not sure how it will be travelling with him.... not sure this.. not sure that... 

but... 凡事都有第一次.. no try no know.. right..?

yeah. will see how it goes! 

still a bit of packing to do.. gotta ensure rayous's stuff are properly taken care of.. 

better buck up!! 

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