Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Day 3 - HongKong - 12/7/2016

day 3 started with a late breakfast (or lunch already?) at chui wah cha-can-ting. 

now seriously, i thought chui wah is one of the most famous and established cha-can-ting in HK, cuz it's almost everywhere (just like 许留山)! i remb visiting the outlet at the peak and the restaurant was super spacious. 

so happily, we went into this chui-wah, which unfortunately and to our dismay, was a little 2-storey outlet. and the staff was bloooody rude. she was soo bloody impatient and her attitude really sucks. so much so that i asked her right in her bloody face does she need to be so impatient or not. really. she really was one kind and i just have to give it to her! pay money for this kind of service... WTF? i seriously dont think that we deserved that and i was soo glad that i retorted. 

yeah, so after the heaty meal, we headed to wong tai sin. drizzling that day.. 

and next was to sky100 observation deck - another place which i did not visit despite the many times in HK

this sky100 is located in this building called ICC and i think this ICC is those office cum mall building. and i tell u, the mall is super atas and carries all the big and luxury brands. even the toilet is very atas looking, like those of a grand hotel. haha. 

at the 100th floor

and there we wrote a post card to post back home. and yes, we received it in SG already. 


 some 3D backgrounds to take pics. honestly, rayous was the most natural in this pic. look at him!! LOL

and.. the reality of parenthood! 

yes, everywhere we go, we have to bring along diapers, wipes, cream, extra clothing, milk powder, bottles and accessories, water, cereals, tidbits etc etc and ETC ............... 

have to be mobile and self-equipped so that anytime and anywhere, we can fulfil baby's needs. ahhhhhhh.

一个伟大爸爸的背影. 哈哈. but really really alot of things to bring along de. super tiring to have to pack and prepare so many things.

and after that we went back to the hotel to rest before coming out again. 

and finally tried out 许留山. the dessert really not bad. 

again, with a young child, it is really not quite possible to eat in peace. grrr. 

yeah, after that was back to the hotel lobby to enjoy our complimentary drinks from the hotel. 

next day will be taking a ferry to macau. 

stay tuned ~

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